
Vibes Promotion 21th August 2020 with OHRWO

Vibes Promotion with OHRWO

Moving from Reggae to Jungle in one Session is in that audiocast! The new O.B.F LP called SIGNZ is presenting with hugh basslines. OHRWO presenst the latest vinylreleases by Whodemsound, Kromestar, Boofy, Retiny, Radikal Guru, Tenor Youthmen, Dubbing Sun and Footsie. Wait; watch also out for that incredible Footsie LP called FAVOURS! It is so good. Lik a nuclare bomb!

Listen and have fun, bless.

Load and Enjoy. 2020_08_21_OHRWO_at_Vibespromotion.mp3

Vibes Promotion 17th Juliy 2020 with OHRWO

Alpha SteppaVibes Promotion with OHRWO

OHRWO´s music is runnig HOT again. So in that first show there is 3 hour mission, big up. You get many music from the east and west!

That audiocast start thinkful and bring you later a massiv style.

Load and Enjoy. 2020_07_17_OHRWO_at_Vibespromotion.mp3